REGISTRATION, AA Green and White Tournament, 2017-2018 (London Junior Knights)


REGISTRATION for Doughty Tournament:

We are using Tournkey for our registration.
If you do not have a team account you will be asked to register for an account. You will then create your team and put in all your information (Coaches and rosters etc. can be added later) 

Once your team has been created go to "Join Tournaments" and register for Drew Doughty Tournament

"After registering please send a cheque (can be post dated for June 1st). 
Only teams that have sent in a cheque will be considered for this tournament." 

You will be notified by email once your team is accepted. Cheques will not be cashed unless team has been accepted.  NOTE: All cheques from US teams must be in Canadian Dollars.

 REGISTER NOW  to proceed to the Registration website.

Registration does not mean acceptance into tournament.