General Information, AAA Wendy Dufton Memorial Tournament, 2017-2018 (London Junior Knights)

PrintGeneral Information

AAA Wendy Dufton Memorial 

The "AAA Wendy Dufton Memorial" Invitational Tournament is our premier tournament. Over the years, many of the top ranked AAA teams from Ontario and the U.S. have competed in this tournament. It has become one of the top pre-Christmas tournaments in Ontario. 

This Tournament is an Invitational and previous years Winners and Finalists receive an automatic invitation.  Please send in your record and give us any information you believe is important for our Tournament Committee to know about your team! Our goal is to have a solid group of competitive teams, from a variety of leagues.

Teams must register and pay registration fees to be considered for tournament. Tournament fills up quickly and teams which register by MAY 15th will be first to be considered.

Date: Thursday October 4 - Sunday, October 7, 2018
NOTE: ALL Minor Midget (2003) Teams will play a game on Thursday evening. 

Alliance Sanction Number: 18-010

Tournament Fee: 
$1,600 (Non-Canadian teams are required to pay in U.S. funds - $1,350)

Age Groups:
  Minor Bantam AAA (2006), Bantam AAA (2004), Minor Midget AAA (2003),

Game Length:
     10 - 15 - 15

Four Games Guaranteed and up to six or seven if in the final.

No Gate Fees

Cheques are to made payable to: “LONDON REP HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INC.”

 Please mail cheques to:

London Junior Knights
c/o Peter Feenstra
505 Belvedere Ave
London, ON  N6K 2R3 

Please note that cheques must be received within 30 days of your registration for your team to be considered for tournament.
CHEQUES must not be post-dated.

Upon acceptance into the Tournament, official player rosters and affiliated player lists must be presented to the Tournament Contact listed below:


Tournament Contact
Peter Feenstra
Email - [email protected]