General Information, Triple 20 Shootout, 2019-2020 (London Junior Knights)

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AA Fall Classic
(previously the TRIPLE 20)

The "AA Fall Classic" is our premier AA tournament. Over the years, many of the top ranked AA teams from Ontario and the U.S. have competed in this tournament.
It has become one of the top pre-Christmas tournaments in Ontario. 


To receive notification when registration opens email [email protected]

Hotel Link - FALL CLASSIC 

 Dates: October 30-November 1, 2020
Sanction # 20-004
Tournament is for AA Under 14(2007's) AA Under 15(2006's) and AA Under 16(2005's) 
All teams play 2 games Friday - Games begin at 8:00 am

All teams will play 4 games guaranteed - 15-15-15 stop