General Information, AA Green and White Tournament, 2020-2021 (London Junior Knights)

PrintGeneral Information

The London Junior Knights are pleased to invite you to our-

AA Green and White

The Green and White Tournament is one of the Top AA Tournaments in Ontario. Over the years, many of the top ranked AA teams from Ontario and the U.S. have competed in this tournament. It has become one of the top pre-Christmas tournaments.  

Dates: November 12-14, 2021
Sanction # 22-010
4 games guaranteed

All teams play 2 games Friday - Games begin at 8:00 am
Tournament is for AA Under 10 (2012's) AA Under 11 (2011's) AA Under 12 (2010's) and AA Under 13 (2009's) 

Fee - $1500 - Teams are required to pay a deposit of $150.00 to be considered for this tournament.  Cheques may be postdated to July 31st. 

Hotel Link -
 Green and White

Click Registration tab on left to Register for this Tournament