Return to Hockey, News (London Junior Knights)


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Mar 05, 2021 | Webmaster | 2464 views
Return to Hockey
The London Junior Knights Board is pleased to announce that in terms of our recent upgrading to the Orange Covid level we are able to return to play with modified rules of play.  At this time no parent spectators will be allowed in the arena other than one guardian per child.  The Covid information sign in sheet will be required and also social distancing while in the arena.  Parents and players are to enter no earlier than 15 minutes before game time and please leave promptly when game is completed.  Masks are mandatory and players need to wear a mask until they go on the ice.

The AAA program excluding the Minor Atom team will commence competition with Elgin starting today. Unfortunately our seeded program will continue to play within our program.  We approached other Orange Covid Associations including St. Thomas, Woodstock and Brantford but were unsuccessful for various reasons related to PHU and local arena regulations.  This is unfortunate but our AA talent is likely the strongest in the Alliance and competition between ourselves is likely the strongest,  and for more times than not our AA teams meet in the finals.
We will also be forming two cohorts at Minor Atom AAA to play both our AA Minor Atom cohorts and our Major Atom AA cohorts.  Elgin does not have a Minor Atom team at AAA this year and this is the only solution we could make work for those kids.  Our Midget AA players will be joining into a cohort with the Mustang Midget team for competition. 
We are proceeding on extending the season for our Minor Midget AAA and Midget AAA teams possibly into late May.  This is a very important year for the players and we are working with the OHL, Alliance and Scouts to give them an opportunity to show their talents in terms of the draft.  This has not been confirmed but that is our hope.
With the rinks in London closing early April we cannot extend any other program, thus the season will be finished at the end of March.
We can assure you that we understand the frustration of both the parents and players with this season.  As a Board we have worked hard behind the scenes trying our best to get the kids back on the ice safely and quickly as possible, also understanding that we are a large organization with two AA and a AAA teams at every age group excluding Midget.
We can also announce that tryouts will not be held in the spring this year and all age groups will be transitioning to the fall. 
We would like to thank all the Convenors, Ice Schedulers and other members of the Board for their work during this difficult year.  We acknowledge that with this announcement there is some disappointment, but in light of the situation getting back on the ice for every player in our association has been our goal and has been achieved.
Please feel free to contact any Convenor for hockey specific questions or Board members for any questions you may have.
Be Safe and Stay Healthy
 LJK Board of Directors
CCM Hockey
Official Supplier of the London Junior Knights
Desjardins Insurance
Providing car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, business insurance for over 34 years in London and area. I have been involved in minor hockey for over 30 years and currently VP of Hockey for the London Junior Knight's and 2018 mayor's volunteer award winner. Chair of the Drew Doughty Atom Invitational Hockey Tournament.