Exciting News.
Mike Ikeno Memorial Golf Classic is COMING BACK.
We hope you'll come join us on Saturday, August 21,
2021 at Echo Valley Golf Club (2738 Brigham Rd, London ON N6P 1P2) to
help support the Mike Ikeno Memorial Hockey Fund!!!
This will be the 4th year that the tournament will be happening after taking a hiatus last year due to Covid 19.
This Golf Tournament is the primary fundraiser for the Mike Ikeno Memorial Hockey Fund which enables the provision of additional funds to LJK families who are in need of financial assistance to continue to play at the high skill and competitive level in which the LJK play.
Since its creation in 2016, the year of Mike’s passing, the Hockey Fund has raised over $20,500 and has been able to financially assist over 20 families with funds to help them offset some of their costs of playing on their respective LJK teams.
You can register either through:
- Eventcaddy: https://app.eventcaddy.com/events/the-mike-ikeno-golf-classic
- e-transfer to: [email protected]
(Please include in the notes of the e-transfer what boxed lunch choice you would like (ham, turkey ,roast beef or veggie), your email address and if applicable those in your group as well. Registration deadline is August 7, 2021 for the event).