Nov 18, 2021 | Webmaster | 8843 views
London Junior Knights AGM
The London Rep Hockey Inc. O/A London Jr Knights AGM is scheduled for Wednesday, January 12, 2022 from 7pm-9pm.
The LJK Board made a decision to delay the AGM until January as a direct result of the effort required to launch our 2021 season after the COVID shutdowns.
This AGM will be held in person at a facility to be determined and posted on our website. If the pandemic rules become more restrictive, the AGM will be hosted via ZOOM.
Any changes to the AGM will be communicated in the NEWS section of the LJK website.
Information on the Constitution and Bylaws can be downloaded from our Website. Amendments to change the constitution may be submitted by members of the corporation only, to the Board of Directors, 21 days prior to the AGM.
Any changes are to be submitted to [email protected] no later than Dec 22, 2021.
All board positions, with the exception of TREASURER and VP OPERATIONS are open for election this year. A nomination form is downloadable from our website, and must be submitted by a member of the association 21 days prior to the AGM.
Please make sure the submission qualifies as per the job descriptions in our Constitution.
Please email these completed forms to [email protected]