Distribution of Funds to LJK Families from the Mike Ikeno Memorial Hockey Fund, News (London Junior Knights)


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Jan 30, 2023 | Webmaster | 1048 views
Distribution of Funds to LJK Families from the Mike Ikeno Memorial Hockey Fund
In November of 2022, the Hockey Fund was able to identify 5 players from 4 families within the LJK organization and was able to distribute $5,000 to help them offset some of their costs of playing on their respective London Jr Knights teams for the 2022-2023 season. 

To date the Mike Ikeno Memorial Hockey Fund has been able to distribute to 30 London Jr Knight families (34 players) approximately $30,000.

The funds that were distributed were raised primarily from the proceeds of the Annual Mike Ikeno Memorial Golf Tournaments held since the summer of 2017.  A special thank you goes out to all of those that participated, sponsored and volunteered in that Golf Tournament.

The intention is to annually continue to assist similar families with sons/daughters playing for the London Jr Knights.  We are planning on having the 6th Annual Mike Ikeno Golf Tournament next summer to again raise funds so that we will be able to help more families with their 2023-2024 season.  

The venue of this tournament will again be at Echo Valley Golf Club (2738 Brigham Road, London, On N6P 1P2) as in the past 2 years in order to continue to provide the best quality experience to the participants.
Also, we would like to let everyone know that others wishing to donate to the Mike Ikeno Memorial Hockey Fund who may not be able to attend the Golf Tournament, can do so by contributing via Gofundme.com and entering Mike Ikeno in the name box.
Later in the season we will post another announcement with details on next summer’s Golf Tournament that will take place on June 25, 2023 for those interested in participating and helping us raise funds for distribution next season.
Desjardins Insurance
Providing car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, business insurance for over 34 years in London and area. I have been involved in minor hockey for over 30 years and currently VP of Hockey for the London Junior Knight's and 2018 mayor's volunteer award winner. Chair of the Drew Doughty Atom Invitational Hockey Tournament.
CCM Hockey
Official Supplier of the London Junior Knights