To LJK Coaches and Managers-
Please find attached the FINAL schedule for photos on Thursday Sept 20.
For those teams that are unavailable, I’ll communicate with you individually at a later date.
ALL players will be photographed whether or not they purchase anything. Player and coach photos (in low-res) will be sent to coaches for placement on your team LJK website … if you wish.
YOUR TEAM HAS A 15 MINUTE WINDOW … so please make sure players are ready by your designated time. Individual photos can be done at any time … team photos will be done at your designated time. Please make sure your players are ready wearing their WHITE jerseys and socks. I will send each of you a PDF forward to your parents and players on Monday.
NOTE: There are some available times should your team wish to change things … see attached file.
Just let me know.
Finally … no need to reply to this e-mail UNLESS YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR TIME. I look forward to a successful photo session on Thursday Sept 20.
Antony Chodas
Sports Photography Services