2013-2014 Coaches, News (London Junior Knights)


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Apr 03, 2013 | Webmaster | 7024 views
2013-2014 Coaches
Click here to see the list of coaches for the 2013-2014 season

Team Head Coach Email Address
Minor Atom AAA Trevor Gallant [email protected]
Minor Atom AA Green Vito Finucci [email protected]
Minor Atom AA White John Jenney [email protected] 
Atom AAA Matt Perry [email protected]
Atom AA White Steve Kippen [email protected]
Atom AA Green DJ Lund [email protected]
Minor Pewee AAA Dave Serraglio [email protected]
Minor Pewee AA White Don Ikeno [email protected]
Minor Pewee AA Green Dave Weber [email protected]
Pewee AAA James Kennedy [email protected]
Pewee AA Green Tony Mandarelli [email protected]
Pewee AA White Denis Piquette [email protected]
Minor Bantam AAA Kelly Thomson [email protected]
Minor Bantam AA Green John Caldarozzi [email protected]
Minor Bantam AA White Darren Langhorn [email protected]
Bantam AAA Dom Desando [email protected]
Bantam AA Green Chris McKenna [email protected]
Bantam AA White John Sonier [email protected]
Minor Midget AAA Greg Bennedetti [email protected]
Minor Midget AA White Rob Hunter [email protected]
Minor Midget AA  Green Steve Van Eindhoven [email protected]
Midget AAA Chuck Dufton [email protected]
Midget AA TBA
Desjardins Insurance
Providing car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, business insurance for over 34 years in London and area. I have been involved in minor hockey for over 30 years and currently VP of Hockey for the London Junior Knight's and 2018 mayor's volunteer award winner. Chair of the Drew Doughty Atom Invitational Hockey Tournament.
CCM Hockey
Official Supplier of the London Junior Knights