At the AGM there will
be a vote for 4 convenors only, and all other positions are acclaimed. The new Board of Directors will be responsible to fill the positions of Director at Large Fundraising and Secretary.
President: Kevin Egan
Past President: Barry Cleaver
Vice President Operations: Kevin Gardner
Vice President Administration: Patricia Wilding
Treasurer: Randy Wilcox
Convenors: (4 required) Rocco DiCicco
Atom. Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget Kevin Dartch
Jeff Howard
Jeff Dunlop (Pee Wee Covenor)
Jim Vautour (Atom Convenor)
Director at Large Administration: Paul Reynolds
Director at Large Fundraising:
Director at Large Communication/Sponsorship: Sean Tierney
Director at Large Volunteers (2 required): Don MacLeod
Damon Hardy