Tryout Selection Process - Revised, News (London Junior Knights)


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Apr 26, 2016 | Webmaster | 10463 views
Tryout Selection Process - Revised
This article explains the tryout selection process.
Individual websites will be updated in the coming days.

Update: Minor Bantam players must attend the body checking clinic.

Click Read More for the full article.

All tryout times are posted on the Organization Calendar now, located under Game Centre on the top menu. It is your responsibility to locate the tryout dates and times for the age group and level you are trying out for.

All Minor Bantam players (not goalies) must attend the mandatory body checking clinic. All Major Bantam players (not goalies) who have not taken the body checking clinic before, must attend the mandatory body checking clinic.

To begin the tryout process, team selection information will be posted on the AAA teams website for each age group. The AAA teams website will be populated with player names before tryouts. This will give you the exact date and time to report to for your tryouts. Go to the AAA teams website for the age group that you registered for, and more information will be posted there.

If you registered for AA only, your name will appear on the AA Green website before AA tryouts begin. Please be patient if you do not see your name on a AA site right away, coaches will have all names up as soon as possible. When the AAA team releases players, these players will be removed from the AAA teams website, and these players will be posted on the AA Green teams website.

If you are released from both AA teams, please report to the GLHA tryouts for your area. eg. North, Oakridge, West London. If you need further assistance or have any questions, please contact a coach for your age group.

We wish all players the best of luck with tryouts!
Desjardins Insurance
Providing car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, business insurance for over 34 years in London and area. I have been involved in minor hockey for over 30 years and currently VP of Hockey for the London Junior Knight's and 2018 mayor's volunteer award winner. Chair of the Drew Doughty Atom Invitational Hockey Tournament.
CCM Hockey
Official Supplier of the London Junior Knights