Sep 15, 2013 | nburnett | 1532 views
Pre-Game and Pre-Practice Routines
Pre-Game and Pre-Practice Routines
Below are the procedures that will be followed prior to each game and practice. If you are unable to make the listed times for a practice or game, please contact manager Scott as soon as possible.
Pre-Game Routine
45 minutes before game time - Players at rink and get dressed without skates
30 minutes before game time – Players do pre-game warmup
15 minutes before game time – Players prep for game & coach does pre-game talk
Pre-Practice Routine
All players are to be completely dressed and ready by the time the zamboni comes on the ice. The coach will be going over the practice in the dressing room prior to going on the ice. Ice time is costly so explaining the drills to the players in the dressing room maximizes the use of team ice time.
Example: If practice start at 5:15, players should be COMPLETELY ready and all of the parents out of the dressing room by 5:05.