May 04, 2014 | mperry | 6334 views
2014/15 LJK Minor Midget AA White Team
I would like to thank all players who tried out, this decision wasn't an easy one. Congratulations to following players for being selected to the LJK AA White team:
***Please Note there will be a signing meeting Monday May 5th @ 6:30, Western Fair. Please make sure the player and at least one parent or guardian present***
Brandon Oliver
Max Griffioen
Danny Morrison
Alex Dobkowski
Nathan Devereaux
Brennan Stapleton
Zach Douglas
Nick Partridge
Darien Chrisjohn
Ryan Konopka
Jason Poulin
Riley Coome
Jeremy Sugimoto
Eric Kennedy
Jake Barton
Ben McKenna
D'Arcy Boulton
Jacob McKellar