Apr 14, 2015 | bostrom | 4318 views
Thursday, April 16, 2015 WFSC (London City Chrysler)
Group 1 - 5:00 - 6:20
Group 2 - 6:30 - 7:50
Saturday, April 18, 2015 WFSC (Wastell Builders)
Group 1 - 3:15 - 4:35
Group 2 - 4:45 - 6:05
-all players must sign in at the registration desk prior to going to the dressing room at their first session
-check the dressing room door for roster with jersey numbers at each session
-each player is to bring their own water bottle
-goalies bring your own jerseys
-the first releases will be posted late Saturday evening on April 18th or first thing Sunday morning, April 19th
-players registered for AA tryouts only can check the AA Green website for information
Group 1
Tyrion Rogers
Matthew Rizzo
Ben Gustafson
Brandon Brock
Evan Israels
Mason Begin
Matthew Blake
Dyson Wilcox
Jamieson Hughesman
Ayman Soufan
Nathalie Leishman
James Troyer
Adrian Prueter
Lukas Richardson
Jack Greenwell
Quinten Marsh-Lansard
Natan Farhi
Hunter Lidkea
Brady DeWaele
Reid Lovecky
Matthew Dunn
Alexander Akena
Lucas Mollica
Joaquin Gonzalez
Carter Egelton
Noah Cameron
Owen Larsen
Matthew Wang
Donovan O'Neil
Group 2
Ethan Verboom
Jake Morris
Joshua Pynn
Shawn Campbell
Jacob Montesi
Cody Patton
Kiera Hurry
Jihoon Lee
Boden Brimmell
Jacob Johnson
Brandon Page
Yusuf Jomaa
Adam Woodland
Quinn Gavin-White
Tyrell Hill
Logan Gray
Owen Davy
Charlie Robertson
Drew Palser
Vilgar McGee
Aidan Brown
Will Bishop
Logan Vandierendonck
Eric Picken
Denis Beley Camara
Cooper Kilbourne
Samuel Noad
Lucas DesRoches
Liam Elliston
Brennan Faulkner