I would like to thank each of the players for getting out into the community and giving back. As a team we took part in 2 community events, the first being The Shoebox Project and the second serving Christmas lunch at the Boys & Girls Club of London.......
The Shoebox Project for Shelter is a not-for-profit initiative that collects small gifts & essentials that are packaged in shoeboxes, and distributes them to women in shelters. These shelters provide emergency and transitional shelter and services to women who are homeless because they flee abuse or difficult living situations, they are poor or afflicted with mental illness. In London, we collected for MY SISTER'S PLACE, Women's Community House and Mission Services.
The team was challenged to collect as many shoeboxes as they could and exceeded all our expectation with a total of 72 filled boxes! Everyone embraced this challenge and thank you all for your contributions. Special mention to the following players, Brandon Oliver with 15 boxes, Adam Priamo & Ryan Konopka with 11 boxes and I would personally like to thank Holden Murray of the Minor Midget AA Green who AP'd with us and surprised us with a shoebox.
For the third consecutive year the team volunteered at the Boys & Girls Club serving Christmas Dinner.
Thank you again Midget AA for giving your time and efforts for both these causes!