Apr 17, 2016 | bostrom | 3226 views
The following players will be playing in the exhibition game versus Lambton April 18th at 6:45 on Tony's pad at the Western Fair.
Brennan Faulkner
Denis Beley-Camara
Camden Sanders
Lukas Richardson
Yusuf Jomaa
Quinn Gavin-White
Aidan Balazs
Tyrell Hill
Lucas Desroches
Cody Patton
Will Bishop
Vilgar McGee
Matthew Blake
Jacob Montesi
Alex Akena
Natan Farhi
Ben Gustafson
The following players should also attend the game, but will not be dressing. They should come to dressing room before and after the game.
Jack Greenwell
Dyson Wilcox
Noah Cameron
Joaquin Gonzalez
Matthew Wang
Owen Brown
Sam Noad
Matthew Dunn
Keira Hurry
Charlie Robertson
Owen Davy
Any player not on the list should check the AA Green website to determine which tryout to attend next. If you wish an F1 to try out at another Triple A centre, please contact Kevin Gardner, Vice-President of Hockey.