Mar 19, 2018 | rpalser | 2151 views
Atom AA White to Rep the Alliance at OHF's
The Atom AA White squad went undefeated in the AA Constellation Playdowns sweeping both Waterloo in Semi's & LJK Green in the Championship Series.
We have such an amazing group of players, coaches & parents. I could NOT be more proud to coach this team.
Congrats to the LJK Green team on a successful season. Your comeback down 0-3 to Stratford (and 0-2 in game 4) in the semi's was unbelievable.
Looking forward to a possible once in a lifetime trip to the OHF's in North Bay. It is sure to be an awesome experience that we will never forget. I wonder if we should pack our fishing rods again....
Go White!
Coach Rich