Apr 28, 2019 | Josh Beaulieu | 5109 views
Congratulations to the following players on making the LJK Minor Atom AAA Team for the 2019-2020 season:
Will Montessi
Val Gonzalez
Ryan Beaulieu
Cohen Chamberlain
Caleb Dann
Aaron Hoskins
Ahmed Tassi
Keaton Van Spronsen
Tyler Scott
Curtis Gracey
Alex Brereton
Jake Readings
Finley Butler
Evan Fisher
Iyad Osman
Ryan Salmoni
Nash Kelly
The signing will be Monday, April 29 from 5-6pm at the Western Fair Resource Room. Please arrive as close to 5 as possible, thank you.
I will be available tonight after 5pm if anyone has any questions or would like any feedback..
Thank you again to all who tried out, keep working hard!
Coach Josh