Welcome, News, U15 AA Green, U15 (Major Bantam), 2023-2024 (London Junior Knights)


This Team is part of the 2023-2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 27, 2023 | Matt Smith | 1980 views
Vince Mitalas (LJK White Coach) and I would like to welcome you to the u15AA tryouts.

All communication related to tryouts will be posted on this page. Please make sure you hold onto your jersey if you attended LJK AAA tryouts as you will need it for AA.  Goalies, please try and keep wearing the same jersey.

We will be having exhibition games on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings. Saturday is TBD.

We will be posting the names as soon as the AAA tryouts are completed. If you have registered for tryouts and do not see your name, please let me know:  [email protected]

Some of you might be considering a season outside of London.  We’d love to see you stay in London but absolutely support your player in their desire to play at a higher level.  But first, let us advocate for the LJK AA program:

The LJK AA program is arguably the strongest AA program in the province.  The 2009 group has always had double representation in the Alliance finals and has had representation in the U13 OHF finals (u11 was cancelled due to the pandemic).  A quick look at last season shows what this program and the athletes are able to accomplish:  A combined 3 tournament wins with an LJK/LJK Alliance finals helped round out two amazing seasons for the 34 players and families involved.

If your player can secure a spot elsewhere on a weaker team than LJK AAA, will they be playing meaningful minutes during meaningful games?  

We’re not throwing stones.  We’re asking those that are contemplating a season with a AAA centre outside of London to consider what it is ‘you’ are seeking from minor hockey.  We firmly believe that simply playing at the ‘AAA’ level does not always make you a better player. 

You make you a better player!  What lies between your two ears and in your heart will ultimately make you a better player.

At the AA level, your player will see the following:

  • Time on the PP
  • Time on the PK
  • Goalies will see an equal number of games and an opportunity to EARN big games
  • An opportunity to EARN extra ice time late in important games
  • If history repeats itself, your player will be an Alliance Final contender AND maybe an OHF finalist
  • If history repeats itself, your player will win tournaments and LOTS of games

If your player was unsuccessful at earning a spot on the LJK AAA team, please ask yourself “why” and take the necessary and specific steps to get better at what’s missing.  Development and confidence go a long way and whatever you plan to put into your gas tank (going to another organization) can be redirected to address the “why” as mentioned earlier. By staying in London, the AA coaches can work hand in hand with your player and the AAA coach on the areas needing improvement.  There are also AP opportunities with AAA.  We want to see your son succeed and will do what we can to help them achieve their goals (let’s not forget LJK’s successful U16AAA program led by Danny Syvret).

The AA LJK program will continue to develop AAA caliber players, it will continue to win championships/tournaments and it will continue to provide a winning/confident/fun environment for these young athletes.  They will also be able to accomplish this amongst their friends whom they’ve grown up playing hockey with.  

Thanks for your continued support of the LJK program and best of luck with your 2023/24 season.

Matthew Smith & Vince Mitalas

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