Notice to all players registering for Minor Bantam tryouts, News (London Junior Knights)


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Apr 01, 2014 | Webmaster | 2640 views
Notice to all players registering for Minor Bantam tryouts
All players registering for Minor Bantam tryouts must attend the body checking clinic. There is an off ice and on ice component to this clinic.
Under Alliance rules, you will not be allowed to tryout if you do not attend the clinic.

Click Read More to see the dates and times of the clinic.

Off ice:
Sunday April 13th from 7:00pm-8:30pm at Earl Nichols, Nichols Hall meeting room

On ice:
​​14-April Mon WFSC London City Chrysler 5:00PM-6:20PM
14-April Mon WFSC London City Chrysler 6:30PM-7:50PM
14-April Mon WFSC London City Chrysler 8:00PM-9:20PM
15-April Tue  WFSC Tony's Pizza            6:15PM-7:35PM

You will know which on ice session to attend when the tryout lists are released.

Desjardins Insurance
Providing car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, business insurance for over 34 years in London and area. I have been involved in minor hockey for over 30 years and currently VP of Hockey for the London Junior Knight's and 2018 mayor's volunteer award winner. Chair of the Drew Doughty Atom Invitational Hockey Tournament.
CCM Hockey
Official Supplier of the London Junior Knights