Apr 28, 2014 | dwarren | 4396 views
56 players have been selected to move on to the next round of tryouts. To enable better player evaluation, each group will have 24 skaters and 4 goalies. Both sessions will consist of 'skill drills' and 4on4 scrimmage.
Wednesday April 30 - 7:15 to 8:45
C. Egan M. Edwards D. Marziali K. Abbot E. MacMillan C. Rook R. More B. Stapleton C. George
N. Vicary L. Merrimen S. Mills D. Loiselle S. Nichols N. Campbell Z. Douglas N. Curran J. Poulin
M. Griffioen D. Chrisjohn N. Grandy R. Konopka C. Schyvenaars J. DeSando B. Oliver B. McKenna
K. Dawdy C. Turnbull
Friday, May 2 - 7:30 to 8:50
Z. McCosh D. Boulton T. Archambeault J. McKellar E. Connell A. Blanchard C. Warren R. Brown
E. Kennedy C. Mattatal N. Partridge J. Sugimoto J. Barton C. McLean N. Devereaux W. Johnston
A. Priamo R. Root N. Marshall D. Manzara M. McCormack D. Panziera D. Maton A. Dobkowski
D. Morrison B. Bruggerman B. Hodgson R. Coome