May 02, 2014 | dwarren | 3202 views
47 Players have been chosen to move on to the final try-out session on Sunday, May 4th - 7:30 to 8:50.
The following players will not skate in the final ice session. They have successfully made one of the two LJK AA teams. However, they are required to be in attendance during Sunday's exhibition game.
D. Boulton C. Rook J. Sugimoto B. Oliver R. Brown D. Morrison J. DeSando C. Warren (inj.)
The following players will compete in Sunday's game for the remaining positions.
Z. Douglas D. Loiselle M. Griffioen D. Chrisjohn R. Konopka C. Turnbull N. Jesson D. Panzerra
M. MacComack R. Root N. Devereaux A. Dobkowski A. Blanchard A. Priamo C. Mattatal N. Partridge
D. Manzara R. More B. Stapleton N. Vicary L. Merrimen S. Mills S. Nichols C. George
W. Johnston M. Campbell E. Kennedy C. McLean J. Barton R. Coome B. Bruggerman E. Connell
B. McKenna C. Schyvenaars J. Poulin J. Paiva
M. Edwards J. McKellar C. Egan Z. McCosh