Tryout #5 - Black vs. White Game Round 1, News, Minor Atom AA Green, U10 (Minor Atom), 2015-2016 (London Junior Knights)


This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 01, 2015 | blanders | 4209 views
Tryout #5 - Black vs. White Game Round 1
Thanks to everyone for the strong work at tonight's tryout.

The following is the list of players moving on to Saturday's Black vs. White game, 6:00 p.m. on the London City Chrysler Rink:

Jaden Arnold
Braylon Benedetti
Nathan Benson
Reese Bernier
Willie Black
Simon Buck
Cole Collins
Max Dejanovic
Teo Duncan
Liam Edgell
Nolan Egelton
Owen Eldridge
Logan Forster
Callum Foster
Andrew Garbutt
Ryan Gautreau
Jacob Govier
Logan Grimbleby
Kamal Halbouni
Bennett Hawrelak
Michael Johnston
Jackson Joseph
Daymond Kindree
Justin Landers
Matthew Langhorn
Ryan Los
Jackson Mackay
Troy Martin
Aiden McDonald
Alex McHardy
Dylan Miles
Owen Murree
Hunter Pero
Kian Rahbari
Andrew Roff
Jude Russell
Dylan Searles
William Sillers
Cooper Simpson
Mitch Sopho
Matthew Souliere
Callum Statchuk
Caeden Stewart
Tyler Strain
Van Witlox
Everett Workman

Good luck to those players released tonight during your upcoming season.

Alex & Brent