Feb 26, 2018 | delver | 2674 views
Make – A – Wish Update
The kids
completed our skate-a-thon on Saturday skating 100 Laps out at Western Fair
Sports Centre on the Olympic Rink!
completed 100 Laps in just under 2 hours with our Make -A-Wish Star Alek
skating almost ½ with the team.
Kids and parents shared some laughs and tears – even managed to dance to the Macarena. In the end we wound up surpassing our goal of $10,000 – total somewhere just over $13,000.
We finished the skate-a-thon, Alek and his family had lunch with the team, hung out with us for the day and then came to watch our play-off game. – Alek participated in our pregame and then cheered us on to a 7 – 0 win over Hamilton – watching us sweep our Round 1 playoff series!
Our Team MONTRA all season has been ONE TEAM ONE GOAL – the players and family certainly came through.
A big shout out to FM96 - Taz & Jim - Thanks very much for the assist guys, as we had donors join us on Saturday because they heard the Show on Friday.
And I also wanted to give a shout out to Karl Rob (former Jr. Knight Coach) and owner of Snipe Academy - as they ran a special training session – donating all their proceeds to our cause (Trainers even donated all of their time) as they raised a little over $1,300 (over three hours of training) for us!
TEAM - We made a Dream Wish Come True!
A huge thanks to the Parents, families and all of those who supported - Our team's success would not have been possible without YOU.
Coach D